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#1 June 10, 2024 12:00 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 126.0

Changes on the IPv6 connection + new things

Apparently our provider removed the IPv6 address from the main VPS (this one) on the panel, so I decided to simply remove it from the network interfaces and leave the HE ones again. This was also the reason why some people and clients could not visit our gopherhole as it kept resolving our IPv6 and it seems that it has always been unstable since I enabled it for first time.

By the way, I want to take this space to announce other (but "not important") new things:

  • There's a new Q3Rally server running on Arena Igloo Cafe, with all default maps and only with Racing mode (because I don't care about the other ones like CTF or DM, but I may probably give that a chance as well).

  • Talking about Arena Igloo Cafe, there are now gopher pages for that (yup, after 2 years lol).

  • There's a new subdomain for Personal Igloos called "".

  • I may soon finally open registrations to become a member of Igloo Cafe and receive a Personal Igloo. I don't know when that will be, but things still need to be finished before opening the doors. Also, registrations will be open only on special days (and probably with a limit of entries) to avoid abuse and the accumulation of people and accounts that will most likely become inactive (I am only one person who manages this, I could not be able to be moderating hundreds of users at a time).



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