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#1 October 24, 2023 13:37 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 118.0

Igloo Arena is now back / IPv6 changes

Hello, after several months without news, I want to announce that Igloo Arena is slowly coming back again. The website @ is currently under construction but I hope to finish it these days. The servers that are currently up and running are:

  • HLRally (

  • QuakeWorld (currently offline because I'm trying to fix some problems with the co-op mode)

The other Op4 Co-op server that I used to host here for the #OpposingTheBar event has closed permanently because I don't want to stress anymore about fixing the frequent crashes. I hope soon to be able to re-host Sven Co-op 3.0 as in the last year to have it as a replacement.

In other news, Sparked (our server host) has recently enabled new IPv6 addresses for us, so we will no longer have to rely on the Hurricane Electric tunnel (which used to be very slow at times and was somewhat limited on other services like IRC).

And by the way, I have temporarily disabled registrations on the BBS due to recent registration attempts by spambots (which are useless because they can't even pass the CAPTCHA). I didn't think this was going to happen but it looks like the time has come for us to get our turn too. Sorry about that.

That's everything, have a nice day! big_smile

UPDATE: I take advantage of this topic to announce that there are some connection problems on all Sparked VPS hosted at Buffalo. I will be temporarily shutting down some services and gameservers until this is resolved.
UPDATE 2: Seems like those problems are now solved, I guess.



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