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#1 May 08, 2024 12:47 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 125.0

New domain, Igloo Arena europe servers, CloudFlare...

Hello, after a whole month of inactivity and nothing of content, today I come to announce new things here.

The first thing is that after so many months, I decided to finally buy and register another domain (this one I will probably be able to keep for some time). I decided to also connect it under CloudFlare to optimize website load times (plus "security"). And before the complaints, you won't be asked to verify a CAPTCHA as in most websites that have CloudFlare enabled and HTTPS is still optional for those with older computers/browsers. This will probably also solve some problems with SSL/TLS certificates on some subdomains like our WAP/WML site (because CloudFlare automatically generates SSL/TLS certificates and doesn't use those of the server on the client side).

Also thanks to ~peurpioche, we are trying to host an new Igloo Arena HLRally server in France/Europe. At the moment the server is half unstable and probably may not be active 24 hours a day but everything else works fine. The IP address and everything else can be found on the Arena Igloo Cafe website.

As for the old domain (, it will remain active but many other subdomains (such as the BBS) will no longer be accessible from there and will instead redirect to this new domain.

That's everything, thanks and have fun! smile



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