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#1 April 02, 2024 17:14 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 124.0

The current and freezing status of Igloo Cafe

Hello everyone...

In the last few months I have been losing interest in Igloo Cafe and have not been doing as many big things as I used to do a long time ago. Unfortunately the limitations of this current server and my pocketbook prevent me from progressing and doing new things here.

The little I have done lately was to move the BuzzyBots server from Wine to Linux, modify some websites hosted here and start a new project about an website for share and upload 88x31 buttons (by reusing code from IglooPipe). For now I haven't made much progress on the latter but I hope that in the future I'll be able to resume it.
About the Igloo Cube server, for now I plan to leave it on pause for a while due to the disinterest and how complicated it has become to host it locally (I no longer do it from this server to save resources with the Igloo Arena servers).
I was also thinking just days ago to run a new Bumper Cars server (a HL mod not so similar to HLRally) for this April Fools, but I hesitate to do it due to the current state of this server and I wouldn't like to slow it down with so many things that in the long term may not receive activity.

Anyway, I am going through lately in a state of disinterest and lack of ideas. I know there are still things to finish here for a long time (like the WAP site lol), but I've never had the desire to at least progress with those things right now (in other words, laziness).

That's it, sorry if this sounds too depressing.



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