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#1 August 12, 2022 12:38 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Opera 89.0

More and more problems...

Yes, that's right, we are back, but not as I had hoped...

Unfortunately, due to so many closures, a lot of posts published after June 30 (last backup I have of the BBS) were lost. Anyway, they were just posts that I have made and there was not that much activity from other people here for so long.

As I explained on the homepage, we are currently temporarily hosting this website inside where our gameservers run until I find a new host. This means that services like the user igloos and the wiki will not be available (and that's why the Services forum has disappeared).

Among other things, I will be leaving user registrations open in this forum due to the "popularity" of Igloo Arena, but please respect the forum rules before joining and posting.

And yeah, as you may have seen, this forum is now running a new modified version of FluxBB made by Visman. I did this when our old webserver was running PHP8 and due to compatibility errors on the latest official FluxBB versions on OCI before they deleted everything for no reason...



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