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#1 September 18, 2023 03:03 AM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 117.0

Igloo Cafe turns 3!

On a day like today, but on September 18, 2020 (according to the date of the first backup of the old website I did), the project known at that time as Igloo Club was born, which in its beginnings was created as a small private "pseudo-tilde" for some friends, which also had gameservers (Zandronum and SRB2), as well as a tiny Icecast radio stream and a wiki that was gradually expanding. All that on a cheap Contabo VPS with only 2GB and running Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

Unfortunately due to economic problems, the server had to close months later, leaving the project on hiatus until August 2021, where it would return once again under the name of Igloo Cafe, which to this day remains and has gradually become something more than just a "tilde server".

I appreciate everyone who had fun hanging out at the Igloo Arena/Cube gameserver(s), those who spent all their time making their websites/homepages here and those who have tried our projects we have done here over the years.

Happy 3rd anniversary, Igloo Cafe!!! And long live retro-tech and retro-gaming! smile



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