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#1 July 06, 2023 09:43 AM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
LinuxChrome 114.0

Huge downtime, death of IglooChat IRC (maybe temporary), etc...

Hello, after 1 whole week with the server down, we're finally back after some minor internal problems. smile

Today I wanted to take the opportunity to announce that, due to the low interest and usage, I decided to finally close and shut down the IRC server. Some may not like this, but unfortunately I felt it was necessary to do so. I may come back someday, who knows...

And secondly, I also wanted to announce some future changes regarding the news on our homepage. I have plans to display all the news from this forum board instead of doing several separately. Old news will be archived in other HTML when this happens.

And also about IglooGB, I never felt ready to start rewriting the code all this time, sorry.

Well, that's all I have to say, thanks for reading.



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