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#1 June 24, 2023 13:35 PM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 114.0

Changes in our wiki

Hello, it seems that this forum has been very inactive for weeks (or even months lol) so I'd better post this here.

As some of you know, since 2022 our wiki was running under a software called "wiki.php", which allowed to create a very basic wiki and using Markdown for text formatting but was too limited and making something for other users to contribute was a bit difficult. Because of that, I decided to go back to what I was using since 2020 for make the first and old Igloo Club wiki, PmWiki.

Almost many of the articles from the old wiki have been migrated and saved in a backup so not much has been lost.

If you're already a member of Igloo Cafe and wish to contribute, then log in to your SFTP account and in your root directory you will find two wiki-related files with information on how to log in. In case there are some troubles related to your wiki account please let me know here.

Please follow our wiki rules and have fun!



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