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#1 May 13, 2023 13:50 PM

Registered: May 12, 2023
Windows 10Chrome 113.0

can we talk about the fact

that a cargo is when you deliver something from a ship and a shipment is from a car !?

that we didin't get mario maker 3 yet

that my pc has a GTX1650 16GB of ram, an amd processor (frogot wich one) and a samsung SSD
it can barely emulate the fuking wii

that you can add your own thats by replying to this post

that time flies faster the more you grow up due to the fact that one year becomes a smaller and smaller part of your life each year

that this website is awesome
(is there any other ones like that yet ?)

that this masterpiece is dead

that sega is basically best friends with their community but nintendo says "fuck off"

that its possible to do a "triple flip off"

that im overthinking every word anybody says

that i need help about that

that thats enough, buh bye! big_smile

Added later 04 min 21 s:
that we know more abt the space than the ocean in out own goddamn planet

that we don't know what after death,like we die but
h o w
d o e s
i t
f e e l

that i feel like i'm high 💀

"life is good"


#2 August 17, 2023 00:40 AM

From: Antarctica
Registered: September 18, 2020
Windows 10Firefox 116.0

Re: can we talk about the fact

that this website is awesome
(is there any other ones like that yet ?)

it could be...



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